Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My crazy Mother-in-law

I wouldn’t normally call my mother-in-law crazy, but on this day she was. Right before we had gotten there she had tripped of the the remodeling stuff and cut open her leg. It was deep and I told her she needed to go to Insta Care to get some STICHES. But since she was a nurse she wanted to stitch it up herself. So she asked me to be her nurse. I don’t mind blood at all, but I got dizzy and light headed watching her give herself the shout to numb it and then watching her stitch up her own leg. She did a good job and she said that a was a great nurse, I sure hope I didn't ever have to do that again.

flash drive 159

1 comment:

Suzy said...

You are far braver than I!