Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Oh Chirstmas tree

So we got the tree up. We usually will put it up the day after Thanksgiving. But this year we helped his mom and dad and then Randy had to work all weekend. So he had today off and while I was at work brought the tree and everything up. Tyler has been ask all weekend when we were going to put it up he had a hard time waiting until this evening. Last year when we put it up I couldn't help much, because I had had surgery 2 days before Thanksgiving. This year I wanted it the way I like it. So of course I do the lights. If Randy does them he only put 3-4 strands of lights, when I do it I put 6-7 strands on.

While I was putting on the lights Tyler and Randy were getting the next strand ready.

Then its time to decorate. I sit and an wrap all the ornaments and had them to the boys and Randy helps them put them on top.

Now its all complete. I think they did a great job. They only thing left is the Angel but it is in a tote we haven't brought up yet. This year we are going to decorate the whole house since we didn't do it last year.

Raking Leaves

Friday we went over to Randy's mom and dad's to see what help they need in the kitchen and the boys were kind of in the way. SO I suggested to Clay that he might ask Grandpa how much I would be worth to him if Clay and Tyler raked the leaves up in the front yard. Grandpa said he would give them each Five dollars. I helped them get the rakes and off they went. An hour later I went to see how they were doing and Clay had a couple of big piles and poor Tyler had little piles, so I helped Tyler get a big pile. Then Grandma came out to See how they were doing and they wanted to know where they should put the leaves, she got the swimming pool and an garbage can and a tote. Then Grandma got the pitch fork out and was throwing the leaves in the pool. Once clay saw this he wanted to do it and the Tyler to so Grandma had to get another pitch fork out.

Then Grandpa came to see how they were doing and they had the pool the can and the tote full of leaves and they need to know where to put it so he helped them carry the pool over to his truck and they dumped them in. By the time they were finished the truck was full of leaves.

It took them about 3 hours to do it. So they got there five dollars each.

Then I took them to Game Crazy to by game cube games they had them on sale 4 for ten dollars so they each were able to get 2.

It was the perfect project for them to do so they wouldn't be in the way in the house.

Great job boys!!