Monday, June 15, 2009

Camping at Burrston Ponds

We went camping at Burrston Ponds in Mona. Mom and Dad Archuleta came in the afternoon and we sat around the fire and visited for awhile, then did a few hours of fishing. This is the first year I have gotten me a fishing license since We go often and I'm the only one not fishing so I got one so I could fish too. No one around the ponds were catching fish, so we didn't really expect to catch any either, but it is just fun to try. My mom was the only one who caught one, and a good 12" one at that, it was pretty exciting. Dad and our Clay each caught fingerlings, but let them go as they were too small to eat. Randy's parents came and joined us for hotdogs and roasted marshmallows. After everyone had left we sat a around the fire a little longer and notice rain was coming so we packed everything up for the night and put what we could in the truck in case we got to wet at night and we could just grab out pillows and go home. Luckily it only rained for a few minutes and we just went right to bed since we were already in the tent. We had a fun time just relaxing.

Clay & Tyler looking bored. They really wanted to go fishing and us adults just weren't moving fast enough.

Clay watching me take care of my fish - kind of hard to see it in moms hands

Isn't that such a sweet face. Tyler was bored with fishing because there was no action, so while he was playing around, Dad caught this cute photo.

Randy and his mom roasting marshmallows

Chillin' around the fire


Suzy said...

The picture of Tyler by the tree is so cute!

Pays said...

You would think with Coby growing up near Burston's Ponds, that we would have gone camping there by now. We really need to go. Looks like fun. P.S. Now I am craving smores :)