Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I hate getting haircuts.The last time I got my hair cut was last July.It was way past time for one. Every time I get on I usually don't like it. So this time I went somewhere new. Told her that I wanted to keep most of the length because Randy loves it long, and just a few layers, than she could do anything to it to make it look cute. When it comes to hair I don't know anything about it, especially when it comes to styling. The only things I know how to do is but it in a plain old pony tail, and most Sundays I use the Hot Rollers. So she showed me how to make a cute pony tail and how to curl it with a flat iron. I have the big flat iron now I'm going to need the small one, then she said if I ever need help styling my her to come on in. I told her that she would probably be seeing me in there with help. There isn't much difference from the before and after. But the biggest difference is that my hair isn't so frizzy and poofy. It is a lot sleeker and it is because of the product so now I'm change her product. Plus the after shot isn't very good because randy can not take a picture.



1 comment:

Shantel said...

It always feels so nice to get a haircut. I rarely do anything more with my hair than the ponytail. Which is ok I guess.